Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My baby came down from Romania...disko, disko partizani!!

As an ode to of one of my favourite movies...Black Cat, White Cat...a little music reminding me of happy times and for a little Monday cheer -

DJ Shantel's Disko Partizani...no more need be said...one of my favourite songs of the moment (thanks dearest Joy!)


Monday, April 21, 2008

Aah, a Birthday approaches...

I turn 33 tomorrow. It seems amazing to me that another Birthday has appeared - so suddenly in fact, though I know it comes around every year. I love Birthday's - mine, one's belonging to people I love and care for, colleagues' (for the 4 pm cake!!) and just the idea of birth and re-birth.

Turning 30 was a big milestone for me and something I'd looked forward too for years - the boy warned me not to be disappointed - and in the end- I was FAR from disappointed. It was a glorious birthday and the start to an even more glorious year! I brought in that year in an Indian restaurant in Brussels, near Porte de Namur, at a big table with all my friends - and I remember it in detail - Bully Bully had just returned from Mali, David was late as usual, Caro had come out with me for the first time and we were just getting to know each other, Sarah was there, and so was Nicola. A lovely cake from the bakery down the road was on hand . We were a loud, riotous bunch, and we had so much fun!

And 31, was in Brussels as well, dancing up a storm with the same bunch of folks and some others. My anglo gfs and I celebrated en-masse - and there is one poignant photos of Caro, Barb and Elinor - with Roe looking on - that is an all time favourite! My dear gf Ang had flown in as well for the occasion, and speaking to her today, brought back the warmth we share and our connections from Vancouver days!

Some of my closest girlfriends and guy friends (who are like my girls!) have been present at both these events. Which makes me think back very fondly of the surprise party thrown for me by my closest gf, the boy and my brother (we all know, P did all the work) for my 25th in NY. Again, some of the dearest people in my life were there to celebrate. And god, was I in a bad temper that evening or what - refusing to walk up to the bar (where all my guests were waiting to shout "surprise" at me).

Last year, was my first year in LA and the boy's friends really adopted me and held a little dinner to celebrate. It was lovely, but I felt lost - lost without my extended family, lost in the vagaries of a new land, and lost within my own life. I had no job, no stable space, no idea of whether I was staying or going. I just missed Brussels so badly and missed my friends and my life prior to marriage. I remember smiling but not being fully cheered when one of the friends brought me a box of belgian chocolates and a big belgian beer to make me feel at home. How sweet! I was surrounded by love - yes, granted people who love me through extension of loving the boy- but I couldn't really see any of it. I just felt so alone!

This year, I'm busy at work and on antibiotics with a flu. Work will probably have cake for me - I really enjoy being there, though we are worked to the bone- but I got what I wanted, which was a nice, interesting and friendly environment. The boy and I may go for a quiet dinner and then celebrate on Sunday with his surprise gift...many of those friends from last year, his friends, have become close to me as well. I'm now a full resident in the US, I know LA more and more everyday. We are thinking of moving closer to the beach. I have to find a dentist. This Friday my work friends and I will go out for drinks at the little (fabulous) Mexican place opposite us, and drink $2 tequila sunrises. On Saturday, we'll meet up with the folks who are now "our friends" and go out for drinks or dinner. And my life in LA will be set further in stone. Two Birthdays in this place...in this marriage and in this life.

As this Birthday (with its auspicious 3s) approaches, there are two things I have to face:

1. I miss my pals badly- we are all spread out all over the world and we get together for weddings at most it seems. And as we all get married off, that is becoming less and less frequent! I have more than 3 dear friends in NY and can't even make it over there for a weekend trip! I'd like to suggest that Birthdays start to take on more prominence, and that in celebrating them we remember youth and new beginnings, along with old friendships and golden memories. The years start to flash by so quickly, and if we don't stop from time to time to celebrate life, then what is the point in living?

In so much I want the above, I have to make it happen. I have to take on the organizer role or at least the initiator of the idea...

2. It is time to put the past to bed...maybe this is the hardest. I also really miss aspects of my other life, my more international life. Sometimes I catch myself thinking that this, what I am living in, is just a phase, except as time goes on, I'm less and less sure, what would come after this phase. I can't go back, and don't want to either, and am unsure what I want for the future. Basically, this step would mean, recalling the past fondly, but very surely relegating the past to where it should be - an enjoyable memory, but not a gaping hole in one's daily existence. I think the best gift I can give myself this Birthday, is a return to passion and a vision for the future - a map to guide me along the way. That 'other' life is over -- I chose to give it up, no one forced me. And, if I look carefully, I don't know if I really want it back.

Maybe, in celebrating quietly this year, what I should be doing is celebrating how far I've come and finding joy in my present - in this place, in this marriage and in this life.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Vampire Weekend

I'm late for the farmers' market...yikes...I love my late mornings, but I need to run today...

Just wanted to say that thebest band around right now is VAMPIRE WEEKEND. They are very NPR-esque, and I think I first heard them on KCRW...they are boys out of NY singing some good, funky stuff with a west african beat...and I think one is Parsi...

Anyway, I love them and Oxford Comma and Mansard Roof just get me dancing and happy.

Like meeting and clicking with new friends, being introduced to or finding new music is such a pleasure...at moments you feel like you are too old for new stuff and then you turn the street corner...of course, like old friends, old music has as special place in one's heart. I attach songs to most of my friends and they evoke some special memories of our times together. I have a special Brussels' mix that I think I'm going to make for friends...in fact, a few months ago, N (who is now in Mali), sent us a link to a Madonna song with a note that it reminded him of us at Le Presidente...and I nearly cried through my laughter, with the strong feelings / memories that resurfaced. How lovely!!

If I have one strong feeling that is little explored, it would be nostalgia...inherited from my dad!

Enjoy the clips...tell me if you do...http://www.vampireweekend.com/music.php

Saturday, April 05, 2008

one more thing to be grateful for....LOST

Yes, I just want to say, I'm grateful that I have followed LOST for years, because it really is just fabulous and not a single episode is ever disappointing!! True, there are some episodes better than others, and yes, Season II was not super jazzy...but hello, how in the world did we live lives with meaning, sans Sawyer, Kate and Mike entering our homes every Thursday? What about being introduced to as deranged and yet magnetic a character as Ben? And what was life really like (empty, empty, empty!) without that fabulous episode this season, where we see Sayid pretty much naked in bed!! For LOST, I will stay up till 11 pm on Thursdays come April 24th. For LOST I will keep TV in my house ...ok, I'm not really ever getting rid of it, but I just wanted to express my love of the show!

Wasn't it just yesterday that I posted...

I can't believe my last post was BEFORE I started work!! All I can say is that I'm in no danger of this happening to me: In Web World of 24/7 Stress, Writers Blog Till They Drop !!

So work has been all consuming - I'm working with as a research analyst in a "mighty, mighty" union, one that is politically very strong and vibrant. It is an exciting place and my department and work is thought provoking... still it is a socialist organisation though...people make reference to "the enemies of the working class" with a straight face (and not as in quoting a Soviet movie or Dr. Zhivago), as well as often referring to being dedicated to the "struggle". In fact, my contract states that my job is more than just a job and is part of the struggle. Yes, they use that word in my contract!!!!!

Oh and one of my closest friends at work is a neo-marxist ...I know, a real live neo-marxist. Please don't ask me to explain what that means...I remember something from comparative literature theory about neo-marxists but mainly about how they analyze textual matter, in my class' case, modern European fiction and movies.

I should note here that my neo-marxist friend, watched "The Namesake" and was appalled at the class based didactics and assumptions. I watched The Namesake too and read only love and loss into the movie...as you can see, my own dedication to the struggle is somewhat weak, and I think I am suspect of being a bit of a capitalist.

Having said that, I really, really like the people I work with and respect them, especially my research buddies, as colleagues. These are some extremely bright people from Standford, Duke, Harvard, and Princeton, who have chosen to fight for a cause and make a difference in the world. I also like how our union is moving forward and being part of big change within the labor movement. In true irony though, globalization, that inherently capitalist beast, is making Marx's idea of a global labor struggle a reality.

Anyway, work is great and I'm becoming/feeling part of Los Angeles and CA more and more. I have other issues in my life, but I realized that maybe I'm just one of those people who always has to be in turmoil about something or constantly searching for something else.

But, I don't want to go into such blah details...I do want to write though about gratitude...

2008 has become a year of growth for me - internal spiritual growth and a serious time to envision my future. Yeah, I know, it is a little late, as I near 33 to suddenly realise I should be seriously envisioning a life path, when over 10 years ago my friend Joy first introduced me to the idea of creating my vision (and I, an even more flippant young-un, remember thinking that another ice cold beer was what I was really envisioning at that moment!)

One of my steps has been to keep a gratitude journal. At first, I had to really push myself to write down 7-10 things that I feel grateful about - and now I can't stop - on a daily level, I have a gazillion things to feel thankful for...even in the midst of being tired or feeling low.

I want to post one or two things that keep coming up in my gratitude list:

1. My friends - from harlaam, to cologne, to brussels, to london, to istanbul, to roanoke, to new york to tokyo - I've got some really amazing friends and I feel truly lucky about that!

2. My family - crazy and fabulous - and always there for me!

3. My mind and my emotions- and I don't mean intelligence or ability to feel, but just an attitude - to look forward, to read, to rationalize and to emotionalize my thoughts. I'd like to take credit for this, like I've achieved this, but so much of it is what one is born with and the gifts your parents give you...

4. My privileged background that has allowed me to travel the world, meet interesting people, experience places, foods, and music of great beauty and diversity and to still have a safe space to come home to.

5. My financial comfort - even at my lowest earning point (in Toronto), I have always had enough money in the bank and in my life never to struggle or have to make decisions between x and y - very rarely has the normal flow of my life been interrupted by money, and I know I am spoilt by this!!

I don't know where 2008 will lead me - I know that life is not static and as I move forward, new doors are being opened and new pathways illuminated, and I hope, that I have the strength of character and sense of self, to choose wisely and with passion.

I do want to write more...I forgot about this blog...or maybe it was just an overwhelming sense of having to write what I'm going through. It is in thanks to my friend S, in NY, that I've returned to the blogosphere. And god, it feels good:-)