uhm, no - more like interviews, actually
Ok, first there was a minor storm - the very first application resulted in a very positive interview and job offer (of weird sorts...), which I decided not to follow-up on for a variety of reasons (pay, scope of job etc etc).
Then came the drought - granted, it was a drought of only one month, because I've only been applying for jobs since our return from VA and my brother's wedding. But by the end of last week, I was feeling miserable!! I was even considering looking at NY or DC - which seem to have jobs requiring exactly what I have (international experience, in particular, EU knowledge etc).
And then came interview 1 and 2 and now possibly a third!!! This has boosted my spirits but also increased my anxiety levels to RED! It seems that finally my stars are turning and high time, I'm sick of being a housefrau. And though I've engaged with the outside world (taking/sitting in on UCLA graduate classes, trying to clean up my various languages, keeping on top of global issues, volunteering with UCLA, actively making friends), my days still revolve around the house, the boy, and dinner.
And while all 3 options may fall apart, this gives me the strength to continue. I loved my last job and really enjoy working. I've never cared for 9-5 jobs and look to my work to fulfill me! I can't wait to start working...yes, I know that when it happens, I'll have tons of complaints, hate waking up in the morning, resent the boy no end for not doing his part of the chores as quickly as needed, and suffer acute amounts of anxiety over minor and major issues alike. But, at least that is more "me" than the person I currently am!
p.s. happy ghoulish Halloween to all - we have a skeleton up on the door and are waiting the promised munchkin rush with candy cones (the boy's least favourite candy) and snicker bars (the boy's top favourite candy).