Wednesday, March 21, 2007

one creative step at a time...

In an effort to focus on other things apart from my sorry state, I picked up this little yellow cabinet for $5 the other day and am using it as a dressing table. I also put some nails in the side and hung my jewelry off them...inside I'd like to put my art projects as they develop.

My next step is to decorate a branch and hang the rest of my numerous bracelets off it.

This little shrine to my attempts at art makes me really happy when I wake up in the morning, because it many ways, it is "my" corner. The cabinet, the decorations, the colour are all just "me".

This all doesn't seem complicated, right? But, for someone who could never colour in the lines and who draws a heart that looks like an upside down bum, its really quite a big jump for me...I have always dreamed of being a famous artist, but like being a famous singer, I kinda need at least an iota of talent to start.

Still, the US is the mother-land of (re) invention.

My upcoming project - my next step on the moon kinda thing is to try and alter a book. See modern gypsy's website on the altered page:

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