Tuesday, July 13, 2010

so funny to remember myself to myself

Wow, I haven't been on this blog for nearly 3 years and it is so funny to read my old posts and remember myself to myself.

I had such a hard time settling into married life and losing part of my identity - I really fought it, I can see that now - at the time it seemed the only way to keep breathing.

All these years on - I have given up my carrier to all extents and purposes; I'm consulting from home, earning money, planning on getting pregnant and life revolves around the boy finishing his PhD successfully and happily. There are no more questions (or even angst) about going where its best for him and by default, best for us as a family.

On his part, I think he's come to feel incomplete in life without me around.

How bizarre! I still miss work in Brussels and realize that two paths faced me and I clearly chose 1 over the other - and who knows which was the "best", except that in the end, whatever the path you choose - it has to be plowed and planted with roses. The amount of work put into life is the same and if you do it properly, one can always be happy.

I feel happy. I also feel ready for another stage of life in terms of work and what I want from work. I want time - time is of great importance. I want to enjoy more than just my work during my day.

And as I've aged, so have all the others around me - slowly making peace with our worlds.